Tuesday, December 24, 2013


A little holiday giveaway for my readers. Christmas day and Boxing day, you’ll be able to get my newest book, Blood Anjels, along with the first book in the Wizards Trilogy, Wizard Chase, for free (the Kindle versions)  on Amazon.  Oh, heck, since it’s Christmas, let’s make the same offer for the Keeping Private Idaho. That’s December 25 and 26, only on Kindle.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Remembered for Writing

A thought occurred to me yesterday as I clicked the submit button on a grant application. I’ve published five novels, one nonfiction book and been the major editor on five other nonfiction books. Those books will provide some entertainment and perhaps a little enlightenment to readers. But, will I be long remembered for them? Probably not.

As a sometimes grant writer (a term commonly used incorrectly, including here) I might get some measure of immortality, I suppose. At least, something that comes from it might outlive me.

But, if I am really remembered at all for my writing it will be by one of the smaller, but more important, readerships I have. If someone a hundred years from now reads my writing and is glad for it, that someone likely be a future relative. My family will remember me as the driving force behind a little family history magazine I have been editing for 27 years, called Presto Press. It’s what I’ll be doing this weekend. Making memories, with the crucial help of other family writers. I’m a novelist, grant writer, blogger, artist, and producer. I’m glad for all that, but the most important thing I do is keep Presto Press going. Now, to it.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Y2K and Climate Change

Authors, particularly science fiction writers, often warn us of impending doom. In an odd little twist, if we believe doomsayers and act accordingly, the doomsayers then sound a lot like Chicken Little.

Remember Y2K?  Airplanes were going to fall out of the sky, the power grid was going to collapse and we wouldn’t be able to see cats on the Internet. That didn’t happen, so the doomsayers were wrong. Right?

In that case, we listened to the doomsayers. Government, businesses, and citizens took steps to assure that computers would be able to get through the dreaded date safely. There were a few glitches, but no one died. Hardly anyone was inconvenienced. As a result, those warning us about Y2K were roundly ridiculed. People forgot that the reason technology did not collapse on a date certain was because those who recognized the problem worked day and night for months to see that disaster was averted.

Enter those warning of myriad disasters associated with climate change. Many in the general public are ridiculing the predictions of scientists. Meanwhile, many governments, businesses, and citizens are quietly taking measures to avert the disaster. We’re already seeing negative effects, so the chances are slim that we’ll come out of this one as cleanly as we did Y2K. But if the measures taken, combined with the positive impacts of new technology, do substantially forestall the worst effects of climate change, you can count on the ignorant to laugh at those who worked so hard to warn us.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sacrificing for Art

When I sacrifice for my art, it means my butt is tired from sitting in a chair and writing. When Matthew McConaughey does it, he drops 47 pounds, putting his health at risk.

I saw Dallas Buyers Club last night and was struck by the lengths McConaughey went to for that role. I was also struck by how little I need to sacrifice for my various pursuits. Yes, I’ve burned myself a lot doing metal sculpture. I’ve probably breathed a little too many solder and glue fumes. And, my butt gets tired when I pound away at the keyboard too long.

Writing isn’t easy. Most art takes a lot of work and dedication. Even so, for most of us, we do it because we can’t not do it. I admire those who give so much of themselves to bring a vision to life.