Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Creeping up to the Edge

When you are nearing the end of a book that you are particularly enjoying, do you tend to slow down, take it in smaller bites, savor it? That’s where I am right now with Blood of Anjels. The only difference is, I’m writing it, not reading it.
I could probably finish up the first draft in a day or two. Even so, I might linger for a few days, putting off the end.
There is much work to do after I finish the first draft. I need to go back and add three or four short sections that will help build up to later sections I have already written. Then, I’ll need to read the whole thing through to do some tightening before turning it over to an editor.
Still, in many ways, the words I write in the next few days will complete the book. I’m looking forward to it, but feeling a little melancholy about it at the same time. It has become a friend that I will miss having around.
Would you like to have the book around for a while? I’m looking for a handful of readers who would be interested in reading through an early draft of the novel and sharing their opinions with me. If you would like to be one of those readers, contact me at

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