Sunday, October 20, 2013

Old Friend/New Friend

I’ve known Jack Sunday, radio personality on KFGO, Fargo, ND, since his mother sent him to school on his first day in the first grade wearing a big button, white on blue, announcing his first name. In spite of that fashion faux pas, we have remained friends ever since. We can go years without seeing each other and pick up the conversation as if time hasn’t passed at all.

I had met Jack’s son, Curt Rogers, only once, and then briefly. Over the weekend I had the opportunity to spend a couple of hours with him in Denver. To my delight it was as comfortable from the first minute as if it had been Jack himself. There were flashes of his father when he would turn his head just right or in the particular indignation we shared over outrageous politicians. Flashes, yes, but Curt is his own man with his own powerful personality.

Curt is, among other things, a writer (see
). We spent some time talking about my work and his. We talked about the difficulty of getting a vivid idea out of your head and onto the page. 

He has a story that needs to be told and the skills to tell it. I eagerly await its completion.

Meanwhile, I shared a secret with him that everyone else will find out only when Blood Anjels is published, probably within the next few weeks. It is the reason I had this story inside my head.

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